News just got to Richkid Empire Music is that, around just Ahodwo Daban - Atinga Junction (Kumasi), a fire out break has occured and residents staying there, drivers , Passengers and anyone heading towards should be careful of it may spread beyond it's boundaries which may create ciaos or catastrophe if this information does not reach citizens who are unaware or exposed.
The Ghana Fire Company Workers are at the scene and are doing it all Professionally to solve and save Properties and Lives so residents are to relax and leave it all to them to handle.
Please share this Information to anyone you know who lives or is heading towards that location to help save lives and Properties.
We are in the dry season so Please do well to be careful of any Fire Exposed , Unattended wires, Gas or Cylinders in our homes or works, Improper burning of Rubbish or bush etc. to help save life.
It might be you,me, our family or any other citizen but no matter who gets involved as a Victim , we are Ghanaians and we have to Protect our Motherland.
Please share this Information. Thank you.